How One Mom Found Connection and Belonging in Families Together

Kay found the strength to keep going as a parent after finding connection with mentors to walk alongside her.
By Christian Heritage
November 26, 2023

Kay’s story of resilience in the face of adversity and trauma is a powerful example of God’s work through Christian Heritage. Our passion is helping vulnerable families find connection and belonging by mobilizing local churches.

That’s what her story is all about.

Kay grew up in Omaha as the youngest of seven children and often played the role of “mom” to her nieces and nephews. Both of Kay’s parents are diabetic. She and her siblings all have various mental and physical health struggles. When she was just 15, she lost her father to diabetes.

Kay is now a single mom to her three-year-old son, Sky. She longs for consistent and dependable people in her life. But strained relationships with her siblings, coupled with her own mental and physical health struggles, have made that difficult. Sky’s father is addicted to meth and has never been a part of Sky’s life.

In her effort to find the connection she needed, Kay moved in with her sister. But her sister had been grappling with severe mental health problems. Eventually, Kay decided to move again, but she had nowhere to go. That left her and Sky homeless for a short period. Then, just 18 months ago, Kay and Sky moved to Lincoln to be closer to Sky’s grandmother and aunt on his father’s side. But those relationships didn’t blossom as she hoped.

It seemed everywhere Kay turned to find deep and meaningful connections led to rejection and disappointment. It meant that both Kay and Sky were failing to flourish.

mom and son playing with buzz lightyear

Finding connection made all the difference

Once Kay arrived in Lincoln, she started a short-term counseling program at another non-profit organization. She quickly realized that to find healing she couldn’t keep parenting Sky alone. The organization knew about our Families Together program and referred Kay to us.

We connected Kay to a host home for Sky so he didn’t have to enter foster care. It gave Kay the gift of time to continue her therapy, get the proper medications, and pursue stability—and Sky was safe.

That was just the beginning. Since that initial hosting, Kay’s been paired with two mentors, Brooke and Susan, who attend one of our partner churches. Brooke and Susan are also vital to Sky’s growth and development as loving, trusted adults.

“We have received unconditional support, encouragement, hope, and love through this program,” Kay said. “I have regained the fight to not only keep going but to thrive!”

Kay’s words remind us that despite her adversity and trauma, God is pleased to write a new story for her and Sky. Their story isn’t over yet and it’s impossible to imagine what God will do next in their lives.

Of course, Kay and Sky’s situation is not unique. Families across our state and country experience an extreme lack of connection, which compounds their mental, physical, and spiritual obstacles. When that happens, flourishing is nearly impossible.

That is why Christian Heritage exists. We stand in the gap to connect vulnerable people to a gospel-centered community. As God’s people enter the most broken situations, Jesus writes a new story of connection, redemption, and healing.

mom and son playing in leaves

Will you join us in helping vulnerable families flourish?

You are an essential part of fulfilling this mission. Through your prayers and generosity, we can make flourishing a reality for struggling families.

Contact us today to care for a vulnerable child or consider giving a gift to Christian Heritage to help us advance our mission.

Christian Heritage is a leading organization in trauma-informed, gospel-centered care in Nebraska. CH has been serving vulnerable children and families since 1980.