CarePortal helps churches get connected to needs in their community. Here's one story of how it helped a vulnerable family.
By Angela Greisen
May 05, 2023 • 2 min read
What’s more amazing and beautiful than God’s people partnering together to showcase his love and kindness? Healthy ministry partnerships are vital to advancing God’s kingdom on earth.

Building partnerships between churches is a significant part of our ministry. One tool we use to accomplish this is CarePortal, a digital platform that connects local churches to the tangible needs of families in their community.

The simple idea behind CarePortal is that if we can meet a family’s basic needs before they enter the foster system, they will be able to stay together.

Human service organizations, schools, and hospitals can submit needs on the CarePortal platform. Churches can then accept and meet those needs in their area by sending church members to meet the family to deliver items and make a personal connection.

Recently, Nebraska DHHS submitted a need for Jacquelin, a single mom with two kids and pregnant with a third. She needed lots of baby gear—a car seat, a changing table, diapers, a stroller, and more.

Mercy City Church and Christ Place Church partnered together to serve this family. One church had benevolence funds available. The other had people ready to serve.

Jacquelin was overwhelmed with appreciation when the church members arrived at the house. There was so much! “Wow. Wait. What church are you all from again?” she asked.

That simple question sparked a gospel conversation. The volunteers were able to share the hope of Jesus with Jacquelin.

She was all in. And she meant it. Jacquelin and her children have started attending church with those volunteers!

It all started with meeting a tangible need. Praise God!

So far this year, local churches have met 80 needs for 201 children—a $115,000 economic impact! It’s simply God’s people being the answer to the needs of our community.

Because of your support and prayer, parents like Jacquelin get to hear the life-changing news about Jesus. Thank you!

If you want to learn more about CarePortal or how your church can get started, reach out. We’d love to help you.

Angela is the Marketing & Development Coordinator at Christian Heritage. Before joining CH, she taught middle school English, operated a professional photography and graphic design company, and did marketing for a local church for 8 years. She and her husband Joel enjoy raising their six children in Lincoln.