
Change the future of child welfare
in Nebraska by mobilizing
a Gospel-centered community
to support vulnerable
children and families.

How Do We Do This?

Through our 3 programs:

The Power of A

Loving Community

Changes Everything

All children can flourish.

God’s people grow in faith.

Vulnerable parents form relationships.

The love of the Gospel is spread.

Healthy legacies can begin.

Families heal from trauma.

Lives are changed.


Whether preventing foster care from occurring or providing the
security of a loving, Christian home to a child who has been removed from their birth family, God’s people can heal trauma through the unconditional love Jesus modeled for us. We are equipped by God and commissioned to serve the broken and the vulnerable.

What outcomes can unconditional love change?

On average it takes at least 3 placements for a teen in foster care to feel a sense of stability which leads to additional trauma.

Only 50% of children in foster care finish high school.
Only 3% of people who were in foster care finish college.
60% of people who are trafficked were in foster care.
People who were in foster care are 4 times more likely to attempt suicide.

to be the hands and feet of Jesus

Questions & Answers

Who does Christian Heritage serve?

Our overall purpose is to see redemption and healing for the most broken family situations. Our vision is to see every child flourish in the face of adversity and trauma, but we know wholeness can be best achieved by supporting the whole family. The families we serve are typically people who don’t have the healthy relationships they need to improve their situations and heal from generational trauma. Christian Heritage steps in to break these cycles of brokenness by connecting them to a Gospel-centered community who cares.

What makes Christian Heritage different?
We are the only organization in Nebraska that mobilizes a Gospel-centered community to support vulnerable children and families. We provide churches with the pathways to live out the Gospel in their communities to help change the future of child welfare.
What is the main goal?
Our overall purpose is to see redemption and healing for the most broken family situations by mobilizing churches to be the hands and feet of Jesus. By connecting God’s people to the vulnerable, we believe God accomplishes life-changing heart work for everyone involved.
Do I need special training to get involved?
We will ensure you feel trained for whatever role God calls you to! Our Becoming a Trauma Responsive Community (BTRC) training is an excellent introduction to learning how to recognize and care for those who have experienced trauma. Each program has different next-step training requirements, whether you want to serve as a foster parent, a volunteer host home, family mentor, or a member of a care community. We have designed each training to be efficient, organized, and highly effective in preparing you to join our mission.
How can I help with this mission if I don’t have much time?
There are multiple ways to help us achieve our mission, and everyone plays an important role. If you don’t have the margin for or a calling to Foster Care or being a Host Home through our Families Together program, you are still very much needed. We need members of our care community who can offer respite care, daycare, tangible needs, meals, and more. You can participate by mentoring a parent who needs connection and encouragement. You can be a prayer warrior, and of course, you can be a financial partner to help us sustain and grow our programs to reach even more families.
What is the critical need?
We most critically need foster care parents. There is a dramatic shortage that continues to be a growing crisis in Nebraska and on a national level. There are currently 4,000 children in Nebraska who need placement. We need more people to say yes to help change and restore a child’s life.

Ready to join the Christian Heritage mission?


I want to serve

How is God calling your
church or family to serve
vulnerable families?


I want to give

Let’s partner together to see
every child have the
chance to flourish.