What is CarePortal and How Does It Work?

As God’s people, we want to make a difference in our communities. But we often encounter daunting hurdles that hinder our ability to help vulnerable people. One of the largest obstacles is access. How do we get close to people who are in need? It’s...

Willful Behavior or Just Trying to Survive?

Children who have experienced trauma often exhibit what we would label as “bad” or “willful” behaviors. Lying, stealing, self-harm, harm towards others, destruction of property, shutting down, hyperactivity, and on and on. It can be...

What is a Christian approach to foster care?

Throughout the Bible, the compassionate nature of God towards orphans and vulnerable children jumps out at us on every page. God identifies himself as the “father to the fatherless” (Psalm 68:5) and acts justly on behalf of the vulnerable (Deuteronomy...