Families Together
We keep families connected.
It is an opportunity for God’s people to become the safe, loving, community vulnerable families need.
Flourishing requires relationship.
Positive connection to a Gospel- centered community can heal both a parent’s trauma and prevent future trauma of a child caused by state removal from their home.
We mobilize local church communities.
Both the vulnerable families and the people who serve flourish through this relationship.
Are you a parent who needs support?
Are you a referring agency?
• to help all children flourish
• to impact our community
• to grow disciples in faith
• to keep families together
• and to change the future of child welfare
We help you understand the impact of trauma on both children and adults. You’ll be prepared with the skills to love and care for the vulnerable whether you are a Host Home, a Family Mentor, or a Care Community member.
Host Home
We match a trained and loving host home to a child(ren) whose parent needs time to improve a challenging circumstance. During the short-term care, the parent receives regular updates on how the child is doing and can see the child as scheduling allows.
Care Community
A family-like network provides the Host Home with what they need to successfully care for the child to make the hosting easier. Support may include dropping off diapers, transportation, meal trains, daycare, prayer support, and much more.
Family Mentor
A Family Mentor is connected with the parent to encourage and support them through the challenging time. The mentor helps the parent feel God’s compassionate, loving presence and connects them with an extended church community to love them.
Together Again
The child returns home when the parent is ready. The family is encouraged to stay connected with the loving community that supported them. Further establishment in a church can grow their positive relationships even further so they can flourish as a family.
87% of child welfare cases are caused by preventable neglect.
Michelle & Odin
Who we seek to support
✓ She’s pregnant and on bed rest.
✓ He’s seeking short-term mental health support.
✓ They’re experiencing homelessness.
✓ She needs in-patient drug/alcohol treatment.
Questions & Answers
Are the parent(s) losing custody of their children? Is this foster care?
Is this a state-run program?
Who are the people involved?
Will the parent(s) get to see their child during the hosting?
How long does hosting a child usually last?
How long is the training for volunteers?
Can a child be hosted more than once?
What disqualifies a parent from receiving support through this program?
Ready to connect?
I need support
Do you need temporary care of your child while you improve your situation?
I want to serve
How is God calling your church or family to serve vulnerable families?
I want to give
Let’s partner together to see every child have the chance to flourish.