It’s the pits. The worst, most depressing situation you can imagine. We use it playfully today, exaggerating our circumstances. The saying has lost its luster. But it was not always so. Out of the 150 chapters in Psalms, perhaps as many as 65 to 67 of them are laments...
Six Practical Ways Churches in Nebraska Can Support Foster Families
The need for foster parents in Nebraska is more urgent than ever. With over 3,000 children in foster care across the state, the crisis continues to grow, and the church can play a crucial role in addressing this need. As Christians, we are called to care for...
30 Bible Verses About Foster Care
Are you a foster parent, or do you want to care for vulnerable children? You know God has called you to care for the hurting, marginalized, and forgotten. The Scriptures provide you with guidance, encouragement, and wisdom on your journey. While the Bible doesn't use...
What is CarePortal and How Does It Work?
As God's people, we want to make a difference in our communities. But we often encounter daunting hurdles that hinder our ability to help vulnerable people. One of the largest obstacles is access. How do we get close to people who are in need? It's something...
Latest Podcast: Hospitality as Discipleship
For far too long, the church has seen discipleship as information to learn or a class to take on Sunday mornings. But what if discipleship was something else entirely? What if discipleship looked more like the ancient practice of hospitality? To follow up my article...
Hospitality as Discipleship: Following the Early Church’s Example
Knowing church history reminds us that we're part of a bigger family that spans culture, time, and geography. You don't just have the Holy Spirit--you are a part of a great cloud of witnesses who have gone before you. Every Christian should know at least a little bit...
What is a Christian approach to foster care?
Throughout the Bible, the compassionate nature of God towards orphans and vulnerable children jumps out at us on every page. God identifies himself as the "father to the fatherless" (Psalm 68:5) and acts justly on behalf of the vulnerable (Deuteronomy 10:18). After...
10 Simple Ways to Support Foster Parents
Foster parents play a vital role in providing a safe and nurturing environment for vulnerable children. It can be incredibly rewarding to serve as a foster parent. But it also comes with its challenges and can feel isolating at times. That’s why it’s essential for...