2023 Annual Report
Celebrating god’s work through his people
We seek to be that voice through our three programs, Families Together, Foster Care, and Beyond Prison.
But there’s only one reason why it can happen: God’s people. It’s one of the things we say most often: “God’s people are the answer.”
You have shown over and over that you are on mission with us.
Through your involvement, encouragement, prayer, and generosity, Nebraska children and families are flourishing in the face of adversity and trauma.
This report is a celebration of that.
Thank you for being a vital part of this ministry!
everyday people
extraordinary Impact
Watch and listen to just a few of the people who serve to make our mission possible.
By the Numbers
children & adults served across all programs
total adults trained across all programs
Children kept out of foster care through Families Together
Total days children were hosted through Families Together
children in foster care who returned home
children adopted into a forever family
avg # of children per day in ch foster homes
Adult class graduates in beyond prison
children who visited their dad in prison
   real lives
real change
Together, we’re changing the future of child welfare.
charitable giving
Every gift matters
total raised
individual & Church giving (including banquet)
grants awarded
Vision Banquet Giving
Financial partners
New partners
Over      people attended our Vision Banquet in September!
a thank you from our CEO
a thank you from our CEO
Watch this 60-second video from Roy expressing his thanks and appreciation for your partnership in our ministry.